SEBI vide Press Release dated March 20, 2020 had introduced certain regulatory measures in view of the then ongoing market volatility and keeping in view the objective of ensuring orderly trading and settlement, effective risk management, price discovery and maintenance of market integrity. The same is in force till November 26, 2020. The regulatory measures are revised by SEBI on 25.11.2020 and shall continue to remain in force till further directions.
Accordingly, stock exchanges/clearing corporations shall put in place effective mechanism to monitor whether the market wide open interest for scrips meeting the prescribed criteria exceeds 95% of the reduced market wide position limit. Further, the stock exchanges/clearing corporations shall check on an intra-day basis (monitoring of Peak intraday OI or Periodic intraday monitoring of OI) whether any member or client has exceeded his existing positions or has created a new position in the scrips in the new ban period.