The Securities Board of India vide circular dated 05 October, 2021 has revised the format for filing financial information by Listed entities whose non-convertible securities are listed. Revised format is provided for filing:
- Standalone financial results on a quarterly basis and Standalone and consolidated financial results on an annual basis;
- Format for Statement of assets and liabilities on half yearly basis;
- Format for Statement of cash flows on half yearly basis;
- Format for financial results in newspapers.
In case of non-submission/ delayed submission of financial results within the timelines prescribed, the listed entity shall disclose detailed reasons for such non-submission/ delay to the stock exchanges within one working day of the due date of submission of the financial results.
In case the decision to delay the results was taken by the listed entity prior to the due date, the listed entity shall disclose detailed reasons for such delay to the stock exchanges within one working day of such decision.