SEBI notification dated 27 June, 2023, has clarified that in order to facilitate securities market participants to remit fees payable to SEBI online, a link has been provided in the Homepage of SEBI Website ( under the head “Click here to make payment of SEBI Fees”. The link enables the remitter to make payment in any of the following manner:-Net Banking;-NEFT / RTGS;-Debit Cards / Rupay Debit Cards-UPI.
While making the remittances online, entities shall furnish the requisite information like name, email ID, mobile number, address, PAN, nature of fee, GST details (if applicable), etc. The above facility is for any entities other than registered intermediaries requiring to make payment to SEBI. SEBI registered intermediaries and applicants for fresh registration will continue to remit fees (Application Fee, Registration Fee, Renewal Fee, Filing Fee, etc.,) through SEBI Intermediaries Portal i.e.,