The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has issued a Master Circular for Foreign Venture Capital Investors (FVCIs). This Master Circular was issued on 3rd March, 2023.
Registration as FVCI
Applicants desirous of registering with SEBI as FVCI shall obtain firm commitment from their investors for contribution of an amount of at least USD 1 million at the time of submission of applications seeking registration as FVCI.
Quarterly Reports
Format for the quarterly report on venture capital activity to be submitted by FVCIs is enclosed as Annexure I. All FVCIs must submit the report on venture capital activity to SEBI complete in all respects. The report must be uploaded online on the SEBI portal within 7 days from the end of each calendar quarter. Physical copies of the report are not required to be submitted. The domestic custodian will be responsible for timely submission of the report.
Online Filing System for FVCIs
The online system can be used for application for registration, reporting and filing under the provisions of FVCI Regulations.