SEBI issues circular on discontinuation of usage of pool accounts for transactions in MF unit.

The Securities and Exchange Board of India on 4th October 2021 has decided to ban the usage of pool accounts for mutual fund transactions. The asset management companies (AMCs) shall ensure that intermediate pooling of funds or units in any manner by MFDs, IAs, MFU, channel partners or any other service providers/ platforms, by whatsoever name called, are discontinued for MF transactions.

However, this requirement shall not apply to the SEBI registered Portfolio Managers subject to compliance with SEBI (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 2020.

The AMCs shall put in place necessary systems to ensure that transactions of funds and units pertaining to subscription as well as redemption are directly done between the accounts of the investors and the mutual fund scheme accounts concerned. There will not be any intermediate pooling.

In order  to ensure  that  the  folio  and  source  bank  account  belong  to  the  same  person,  AMCs  shall make sure that payment  for  MF  transactions  are accepted through only such modes where independent traceability of end investor can be ensured and source account details are available as audit trail without relying on any other intermediary’s records.

Further AMC would be liable to compensate for losses, if any, occurred to a unit holder, where unauthorised transaction(s) occur(s)  in  unit  holder’s  folio  due  to  fraud/  negligence/  deficiency  on  the  part  of  the  AMC,  employee  of  AMC  or  persons/  entities  whose services have been availed by the AMC including the platform providers, MFDs, RTAs, MFU, and channel partners,  irrespective of whether or not the fraud is reported by the unit  holder.  For this purpose, it is clarified that any unauthorised  transaction(s) performed  by  the  Investment  Advisors  while  providing  services  to  the  unit  holder(s) would not be considered as a liability of the AMC.