SEBI Guidelines for borrowing by Category I and Category II AIFs and maximum permissible limit for extension of tenure by LVFs

SEBI on August 19, 2024 has issued Guidelines for borrowing by Category I and Category II AIFs and maximum permissible limit for extension of tenure by LVFs. In order to facilitate ease of doing business and provide operational flexibility, it has been decided to allow Category I and Category II AIFs to borrow for the purpose of meeting temporary shortfall in amount called from investors for making investments in investee companies (‘drawdown amount’).

Category I and Category II AIFs may borrow for the purpose of meeting shortfall in drawdown amount, subject to the following additional conditions:

  1. If AIF intends to borrow funds for meeting shortfall in draw down amount, the same shall be disclosed in the PPM of the scheme.
  2. Such borrowing shall be done only in case of emergency and as a last recourse, when the investment opportunity is imminent to be closed and the drawdown amount from investor(s)has not been received by the AIF before the date of investment, in spite of best efforts by manager to obtain the drawdown amount from the delaying investor(s).
  3. The amount borrowed shall not exceed twenty per cent of the investment proposed to be made in the investee company, or ten per cent of the investable funds of the scheme of AIF, or the commitment pending to be drawn down from investors other than the investor(s) who has failed to provide the drawdown amount, whichever is lower.
  4. The cost of such borrowing shall be charged only to investor(s) who failed to provide the drawdown amount for making investments.
  5. The flexibility of borrowing to meet shortfall in drawdown amount shall not be used as a means to provide different drawdown timelines to investors.
  6. The manager shall disclose the details with respect to amount borrowed, terms of borrowing and repayment to all the investors of the AIF/scheme, on a periodic basis asper the terms of agreement with the investors of the AIF.

Further, all Category I and Category II AIFs shall maintain thirty days cooling off period between two periods of borrowing as permissible under AIF Regulations. The cooling off period of thirty days shall be calculated from the date of repayment of previous borrowing.

LVF may extend its tenure up to five years subject to the approval of two-thirds of the unit holders by value of their investment in the LVF and the extension in tenure of any existing LVF scheme shall be subject to such conditions as may be specified by SEBI from time to time.