SEBI consultation Paper for introduction of Mutual Funds Lite Regulations(MF LITE)for passively managed Mutual Funds Schemes

SEBI has issued a consultation Paper for introduction of Mutual Funds Lite Regulations(MF LITE)for passively managed Mutual Funds Schemes. The objective of this consultation paper is to seek comments / views from the public on the proposals related to introduction of a relaxed regulatory framework in the Mutual Funds(MF) segment viz, “the MF Lite Regulations” for the passively managed MF schemes.

Considering the lesser risk inherent in managing passively managed MF schemes, the proposed MF Lite Regulations intend to reduce the compliance requirement, foster innovation, encourage competition and promote ease of entry for the MFs interested in launching only passive schemes.

The comments/ suggestions should be submitted by online mode latest by July 22, 2024.