SEBI Board approves amendments to LODR regulations.

The Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) on 28th December 2021 has taken various decision in the board meeting and has approved a host of amendments to tighten various regulations.

Key Highlights from the Board Meeting:

The Board approved a proposal to introduce provisions in the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)Regulations, 2015  (“LODR Regulations”/ “LODR”) relating to appointment or re-appointment of persons who fail to get elected as directors, including as Whole-time directors or Managing Directors or Managers, at the general meeting of a listed entity.

The Board approved amendment to Mutual Fund Regulations to mandate the Trustees to obtain the consent of the unitholders when the majority of the trustees decide to wind up a scheme or prematurely redeem the units of a close  ended  scheme.

Amendments to the SEBI {KYC (Know Your Client) Registration Agency} Regulations, 2011 towards enhancing the role of KYC Registration Agencies (KRAs) has been approved by the board.

The Board approved the proposal to amend the Securities and Exchange Board of India  (Listing  Obligations  and  Disclosure Requirements)  Regulations, 2015 for issuance of securities in dematerialized form in case of investor requests for issue  of duplicate  shares  etc. This move will improve ease, convenience and safety of transactions for investors.

Further, the board considered  and approved  the  amendments  to  the  SEBI  (Foreign Portfolio  Investors)  Regulations,  2019  to  enable  SEBI  to  generate  unique Page registration  numbers  of  FPIs on  receiving  the  basic  details  of  the applicants seeking FPI registration from either of SEBI registered Depositories.

The Board approved the following amendments to the Settlement Regulations:

  • Time-period for filing a settlement application rationalized to 60 days from
  • The  date  of  receipt  of the  show  cause  notice  or  a  supplementary  notice,whichever is later.
  • Clarification  of  certain provisions  relating  to  the  condition  precedent  for settlement,  non-monetary  terms,  provisions  relating  to  irregularity  in procedure, settlement scheme and legal costs, in the settlement process.
  • Time-period for submission of Revised Settlement Terms Form, after the Internal  Committee  (IC),  rationalized  to  15  days  from  the  date  of  the  IC meeting.
  • Time-period for remittance of settlement amount and compliance of all the settlement terms rationalized.
  • All  payments  under  the  Settlement  Regulations to  be  accepted  only through the dedicated payment gateway.



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