Schemes for Strengthening Pharmaceuticals Industry with Focus on MSMEs and Clusters

The Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers vide press release dated 19 July 2022 has declared Schemes for Strengthening Pharmaceuticals Industry with Focus on MSMEs and Clusters. In order to strengthen the supply chain of Pharmaceuticals industry where MSMEs are an integral part, Govt of India shall be incentivizing the intending MSME units going in for acquiring Schedule M certification or WHO GMP Certification through the sub-scheme Pharmaceuticals Industry Technology Upgradation Assistance Scheme (PTUAS).

The MSME unit shall have the option to choose from either Capital subsidy or Interest subvention. At the cluster level, the sub-scheme ‘Assistance to Pharmaceuticals Industry for Common Facilities’ (APICF) envisages to support creation of common facilities like Testing Labs, Common Effluent Treatment plants and other such common facilities.