The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has issued the following revised list of Food Analysts working in Food Safety and Standards Authority of India recognized Food Testing Laboratories who can be approached by authorities and FBOs for food testing, along with their serial numbers:
- 187 Ms Shradha Tiwari, Fare Labs Private Limited, Gurugram
- 188 Ms Nidhi , Fare Labs Private Limited, Gurugram
- 189 Mr Rakesh Tharaka, Intertek India Private Limited (Food Services), Hyderabad
- 190 Mr Pankaj Ganseh Kotgirkar, Intertek India Private Limited (Food Services), Hyderabad
- 191 Ms. Jyoti Goyal , SGS India Private Limited, Gurugram
- 192 Shri Chezhiyan K, National Food Laboratory, Kolkata