Revised framework for Treatment of Right-of-Use (ROU) Assets

RBI has clarified that In terms of Indian Accounting Standard (Ind AS) 116 – Leases, most leases will be reflected on a lessee’s balance sheet as an obligation to make lease payments (a liability) and a related ROU asset (an asset). We have received references from various NBFCs (in their capacity as lessees) on the treatment of ROU assets for calculation of regulatory capital/ Owned Fund.

In this regard, it is clarified that regulated entities shall not be required to deduct an ROU asset (created in terms of Ind AS 116-Leases) from Owned Fund/ CET 1 capital/ Tier 1 capital (as the case may be), provided the underlying asset being taken on lease is a tangible asset. The ROU asset shall be risk-weighted at 100 per cent, consistent with the risk weight applied historically to the owned tangible assets.

This circular is applicable, with immediate effect, to all NBFCs (including HFCs) and Asset Reconstruction Companies implementing Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015.

The 614th meeting of the Central Board of Directors of Reserve Bank of India is assessing the emerging global and domestic economic landscape, including the evolving geopolitical and financial market developments and associated challenges to review regulatory framework.