Reserve Bank of India Master Directions on Prepaid Payment Instruments, 2021

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on August 27, 2021 has issued the Reserve Bank of India Master Directions on Prepaid Payment Instruments, 2021 (MD-PPIs, 2021). The provisions of MD-PPIs shall apply to all Prepaid Payment Instrument (PPI) Issuers and System Participants. The objects of the directions includes the following:

  1. To provide a framework for authorization, regulation and supervision of entities issuing and operating PPIs in the country;
  2. To foster competition and encourage innovation in this segment in a prudent manner while taking into account safety and security of systems and transactions along with customer protection and convenience; and
  3. To provide for harmonization and interoperability of PPIs.


129th Meeting of IRDAI

The 129th meeting of the IRDAI marks a significant moment in the evolution of the Indian insurance industry. With a focus on reinsurance, future-ready initiatives,

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