Reporting Norms for Fund Management Entities under IFSCA (Fund Management)

International Financial Services Centers Authority (Authority) on 31st May, 2023 has specified that the reporting norms for Fund Management Entities (FMEs) in IFSCs shall be as under:

  1. Submission of information to authorities in the prescribed format on half yearly basis (
  2. Report shall include quantitative information about fund management and a signed copy of ‘compliance report’ as a scanned pdf.
  3. First report under this circular shall be submitted by June 21, 2023 the subsequent reports for each half-year period shall be submitted within 21 calendar days from the end of the half-year.
  4. The reports shall be submitted to the Authority by way of an email.
  5. The Authority will continue to monitor the fund management industry in IFSC and may supplement/update the reporting formats.