Registration of COVID-19 vaccination on CoWin portal to open from 1st March 2021.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on 28th February 2021 has notified the process for registration of COVID-19 vaccination on CoWin Portal to begin from 1st March 2021 at

All citizens that are aged, or will attain the age of 60 or more as on January 1, 2022 are eligible to register, in addition to all such citizens that are aged, or will attain the age of45 to 59 years as on January 1, 2022, and have any of the specified 20 comorbidities.

The eligible persons will be able to register at the Co-WIN2.0 portal through their mobile number, through a step by step process. With one mobile number, a person can register as many as four beneficiaries. However, all those registered on one mobile number will have nothing in common except the mobile number. The Photo ID Card Number for each such beneficiary must be different. Either of the following Photo Identity Documents can be used by citizens for availing of online registration–

  1. Aadhar Card/Letter
  2. Electoral Photo Identity Card (EPIC)
  3. Passport
  4. Driving License
  5. PAN Card
  6. NPR Smart Card
  7. Pension Document with photograph