Re-operationalization of Draft Labelling and Display Amendment Regulations 2022

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has issued a notification regarding the re-operationalization of Food Safety Standards (Labelling and Display) Amendment regulations 2022. This direction was issued on August 30, 2024.

The draft amendment regulations contemplate labelling requirements of the non-retail container, minimally processed food, tolerance limit, warning statement related to pan masala, etc.

The Draft Food Safety and Standards (Labelling and Display) Amendment Regulations 2022 were notified on November 30, 2022, for public input from stakeholders. The FSSAI had observed that the finalization of these draft regulations is likely to take some time. Hence, by a direction dated January 6, 2023 and direction dated June 5, 2024 it had re-operationalized these draft amendment regulations.

The final amendment regulations except the provision relating to tolerance limit has been approved by the Food Authority in its 43rd meeting. These amendment regulations are in the process of further approval for final notification.

The FSSAI had observed that the finalization of these draft regulations is likely to take some time. Hence, it has decided to re-operationalize the provisions specified in the direction dated June 5, 2024. However, the provisions relating to tolerance limit are excluded from the ambit of this re-operationalization. Therefore, compliance to quantity of declared nutrients on the label with tolerance of ± 20 percent of the value is excluded from re-operationalization.

The present re-operationalization is effective from July 1, 2024.