The Reserve Bank of India announced today the list of NBFCs in the Upper Layer under Scale Based Regulation for NBFCs for the year 2024-25. once an NBFC is classified as NBFC-UL, it shall be subject to enhanced regulatory requirement, at least for a period of five years from its classification in the layer, even in case it does not meet the parametric criteria in the subsequent year/s.
The Reserve Bank had issued the Scale Based Regulation (SBR): A Revised Regulatory Framework for NBFCs (the framework) on October 22, 2021. The framework categorises NBFCs in Base Layer (NBFC-BL), Middle Layer (NBFC-ML), Upper Layer (NBFC-UL) and Top Layer (NBFC-TL) and gives the methodology to identify the NBFCs in the Upper Layer as per their asset size and scoring methodology.