RBI issues notification on Agency Commission for Direct Tax collection under TIN 2.0 regime.

The Reserve Bank of India on 14th November 2022, has directed the Agency banks to submit their claims for agency commission in the prescribed format to CAS Nagpur in respect of Central government transactions and the respective Regional Office of Reserve Bank of India for State government transactions.

The Reserve Bank of India carries out the general banking business of the Central and State Governments through its own offices and through the offices of the agency banks appointed under Section 45 of the RBI Act, 1934, by mutual agreement. RBI pays agency commission to the agency banks for the government business handled by them. This master circular on agency commission was notified on 1st April 2022, however through this notification paragraph 21 has been modified as follows:

“Agency banks are required to submit their claims for agency commission in the prescribed format to CAS Nagpur in respect of Central government transactions and the respective Regional Office of Reserve Bank of India for State government transactions.

 However, agency commission claims with respect to GST receipt transactions and transactions related to direct tax collection under TIN 2.0 regime will be settled at Mumbai Regional Office of Reserve Bank of India only and accordingly all agency banks, authorized to collect GST and direct tax collection under TIN 2.0, are advised to submit their agency commission claims pertaining to the respective receipt transactions at Mumbai Regional Office only. 

The agency commission for transactions related to direct tax under OLTAS will be continued to be settled at CAS, Nagpur, RBI. The formats for claiming agency commission for all agency banks and separate and distinctive set of certificates to be signed by the branch officials and Chartered Accountants or Cost Accountants are given in Annex 2, Annex 2A and Annex 2B respectively. These certificates would be in addition to the usual Certificate from ED / CGM (in charge of government business) to the effect that there are no pension arrears to be credited / delays in crediting regular pension / arrears thereof.”