RBI Invitation of applications for recognition of Self-Regulatory Organisations (SROs) for NBFCs

The Reserve Bank had issued ‘Omnibus Framework for recognition of Self-Regulatory Organisations for Regulated Entities of the Reserve Bank’ dated March 21, 2024, wherein broad parameters, viz., objectives, responsibilities, eligibility criteria, governance standards, application process, etc., were specified. It was also stated that other sector-specific guidelines like number of SROs, membership, etc., shall be issued separately whenever a sectoral SRO is intended to be set up.

It has now been decided to invite applications for recognition of SROs for the NBFC sector under the aegis of the aforesaid omnibus framework. The applicant entity shall fulfil the eligibility criteria and guidelines mentioned under the omnibus framework, along with specific instructions specified hereunder:

  1. The SRO for NBFC sector is primarily envisaged for NBFCs in the categories of Investment and Credit Companies (NBFC-ICCs), Housing Finance Companies (HFCs) and Factors (NBFC-Factors). However, the SRO may also have other categories of NBFCs as its members.
  2. The recognized SRO shall have a good mix of NBFC-ICCs, HFCs and NBFC-Factors as its members. To ensure fair representation to smaller NBFCs, the SRO shall have at least 10% of the total number of NBFCs in the Base Layer as per Scale Based Regulatory Framework and categorised as NBFC-ICC and NBFC-Factor, as its members. Failure to achieve the aforesaid membership, within two years of the grant of recognition as SRO, would render the SRO liable for revocation of the recognition granted.