The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) through a circular dated 14.05.2021 has announced the Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme (SGB) 2021-2022-Series I/II/III/IV/V/VI. Subscription for the Series Bonds may be made in the prescribed application form stating clearly the grams (in units) of gold and the full name and address of the applicant. In addition to receipt of application, the Receiving Offices is responsible for providing service to the investors of the SGB. The Receiving Offices shall follow the rules and regulations issued by RBI.
RBI FAQs on the circular on ‘Reset of Floating Interest Rate on Equated Monthly Installments (EMI) based Personal Loans’
The circular exclusively applies to EMI-based personal loans. It does not extend to other loan types, such as business or commercial loans. Personal loans, as