RBI announces On-Tap Term Liquidity Facility to Ease Access to Emergency Health Services.

The Reserve Bank of India on 7th May 2021 decided to open an on-tap liquidity window of ₹50,000 crore with tenors of up to three years at the repo rate till March 31, 2022, to boost the provision of immediate liquidity for ramping up COVID-related healthcare infrastructure and services in the country. 

 All banks eligible under the Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) can participate in the Scheme. Requests from banks desirous of availing funds from the RBI will be subject to availability of funds as on the date of application, i.e., funds cannot be guaranteed in case the total amount of ₹50,000 crore is already availed

Under the scheme, banks can provide fresh lending support to a wide range of entities including vaccine manufacturers; importers/suppliers of vaccine and priority medical devices; hospitals/dispensaries; pathology labs and diagnostic centres; manufacturers and suppliers of oxygen and ventilators; importers of vaccines and COVID-related drugs; COVID-related logistics firms and also patients for treatment.

Further banks are expected to create a COVID loan book. By way of an additional incentive, such banks will be eligible to park their surplus liquidity up to the size of the COVID loan book with the RBI under the reverse repo window at a rate which is 25 bps lower than the repo rate.