Rajasthan State Insurance and Provident Fund Department Issues Notification on Depositing ERM Amount into NPS Bank Account

On November 20, 2024, the State Insurance and Provident Fund (SIPF) Department of Rajasthan issued a notification regarding the process for depositing amounts received from Employer Retirement Management (ERM) into the NPS bank accounts.

The amounts received from ERM in the NPS bank account will be credited under Budget Head 8009-01-101-03-00. To facilitate the transfer of ERM amounts into the General Provident Fund (GPF) 2004, a new utility has been made available on the SIPF portal under Payment > Scheme Payment.

The procedure for depositing the ERM amount is as follows:

Log in to the SIPF portal and navigate to Payment > Scheme Payment.

Select Bank Transfer to GPF 2004 under the Deduction Category.

Choose the relevant Unit, Office, DDO, and fill in the required details like City, Pincode, and Remarks.

Select GPF 2004 in the Scheme field and 8009011010300 for the Budget Head.

Choose the Transaction Type (Offline/Online).

Enter the amount to be deposited in the Total Amount field for Budget Head 8009011010300.

Check the box for Budget Header Post, which will remove the requirement of entering the Employee ID.

After completing the above steps, click on Save. This will open the e-pass portal where the challan for the amount can be generated. Complete the process according to the selected offline or online method.

    This streamlined process ensures the accurate and efficient transfer of ERM amounts into the GPF, maintaining compliance with the prescribed budget head.