Rajasthan PCB allows transfer of trade effluent from one CETP member textile unit to another

The Rajasthan State pollution Control Board has issued office order to allow transfer of trade effluent (KLD) from one CETP member textile unit to other CETP member textile unit at Pali, Jodhpur. Balotra’ Bithuja & Jasol. Transfer of trade effluent (KLD) from one industrial unit to other industrial unit can be done by units with following eligibility criteria:

  • The unit which intends to transfer trade effluent (KLD) should have valid consent to operate from the State Board.
  • The receiving unit should have valid consent to operate/applied for consent to establish from the State Board.
  • The unit should have permission accorded/granted by CETP Trust (spv) for transfer of KLD from one unit to another.
  • That the trust while issuing permission should consider adequate capacity of waste water carrying pipeline i.e. conveyance system.