The Government of Punjab has issued 6th February, 2023 has issued Punjab Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education ( First Amendment ) Rules , 2023. The amendment provides that twenty – five per cent of the strength of the School Management Committee constituted under the Act shall be from amongst the following persons , namely:
(a) One third members from amongst the elected members of the Local Authority , to be decided by the Local Authority;
(b) One third members from amongst the teachers from the school, to be decided by the teachers of the school ;
(c) Remaining one third from amongst the students in the school, to be decided by the students themselves , and
(d) The Head Teacher of the school or where the school does not have a Head Teacher , the senior most teacher of the school shall be the ex – officio member, but he shall not have any right to vote.
Measures for encouraging 5G innovation
The programme, supported by a ₹1.5 crore budget, covers seed funding, IPR assistance, mentorship, and operational costs. It aims at developing over 50 scalable 5G