Public Holidays for General Election 2024 in Maharashtra

The Government of Maharashtra issued a notification, dated 3rd April 2024, announcing public holidays in certain parliamentary constituencies due to the General Election of 2024. The notification lists the dates of polling and the corresponding parliamentary constituencies for which public holidays are declared. 

Additionally, it specifies that the public holiday will also apply to registered voters of the poll-bound areas, even if they are working outside the territorial limits of such areas. 

The notification further includes a comprehensive list of recipients to whom this notification is directed, including various government officials, departments, commissions, and organizations. 

Overall, the document serves as an official declaration of public holidays for the specified parliamentary constituencies in Maharashtra due to the General Election of 2024. It not only outlines the dates and constituencies affected but also directs the dissemination of this information to ensure widespread awareness and compliance. The thorough list of recipients underscores the broad impact and importance of this notification within the government and public sector.