Project Dolphin to Save Dolphins in Tamil Nadu

Dolphins play an important role in keeping the marine environment in balance. Dolphins around the world face various natural and human-induced threats which include hunting, entanglement in fishing nets, overfishing, climate change, ship strikes, tourism activities, toxic contamination, noise pollution, oil and gas development and habitat degradation. Government of Tamil Nadu to implement Project Dolphin under the Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats of the Government of India issued orders on the date of 06.11.2023.

The project will focus on Strengthening of protection activities through better patrolling antipoaching activities and strengthening of the surveillance and patrolling teams with modern equipment and technology. Rescue and rehabilitation activities through strengthening of veterinary services, dolphin habitat improvement through restoration of coastal ecosystem like mangroves, corals, sea grass. Launch of dolphin scholarship programs and enhance understanding of their habitats. Project Dolphin will strengthen the marine ecology and overall health of marine Environment. The Scheme shall be implemented at a cost of Rs.8.13 crore.