Press Council of India Issues Media Guidelines for Election Coverage

The Directorate of Information & Public Relations, Government of Mizoram, highlights the media guidelines issued by the Press Council of India for adherence during elections. These guidelines, released on 17th April, 2024, aim to ensure fair and objective reporting by the press during election periods. 

The first guideline emphasizes the duty of the press to provide unbiased coverage of elections and candidates, discouraging the publication of exaggerated reports or indulgence in unhealthy election campaigns. 

Furthermore, the guidelines prohibits the promotion of enmity or hatred between people based on religion, race, caste, community, or language, and advises against publishing false or critical statements about candidates to prejudice their election prospects. The guidelines also forbid the acceptance of inducements, financial or otherwise, from candidates or parties, and underscore the importance of not engaging in canvassing for a particular candidate or party.

Additionally, the press is cautioned against accepting or publishing advertisements at the cost of the public exchequer regarding the achievements of a party or government in power. The guidelines mandate the press to adhere to all directions, orders, and instructions issued by the Election Commission, Returning Officers, or Chief Electoral Officer. Overall, the guidelines seek to uphold the integrity and fairness of media coverage during elections, promoting ethical and responsible journalism.