Pre-Departure Orientation Training Centers in Tamil Nadu

Non Resident Tamils Welfare Department has been receiving complaints relating to non-compliance of promised work, working hours, wages, food, accommodation etc. In this way, requests from Diaspora Tamils are continuously received by the Non Resident Tamils Welfare Department and are being resolved with the help of Indian embassies, NGOs and Tamil associations in their respective countries. To overcome such hardships, “Pre Departure Orientation Training” is already being provided in Chennai so that when Tamils migrate for abroad, they go with minimum preparation related to the laws, culture, language and work of the destination country. This Notification was published on the date of 14.12.2023.

Youngsters from Tamil Nadu go abroad for job opportunities without sufficient prior experience or adequate information about it. Apart from that, they have to travel a long distance and spend more money to get the Pre Departure Orientation Training at Chennai. It is the intention of the Government of Tamil Nadu that all the welfare schemes of the Government reach the beneficiary directly, in their area of residence. On this basis, Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu has announced that Pre Departure Orientation Training enter will be set up not only in Chennai, but also in the seven districts of Ramanathapuram, Pudukottai, Kanyakumari, Thanjavur, Perambalur, Sivagangai and Villupuram wherein large number of Tamils migrate to foreign countries. Awareness about foreign employment will be created among the public through awareness videos at international airports and railway stations in Tamil Nadu, and in Gram Sabha meetings through pamphlets to ensure the safe migration of Tamils.