The Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare vide notification dated the 25th November, 2021 has issued the Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) (Ninth Amendment) Order, 2021. Fresh fruit exported shall comply with export conditions including assurance that it is free from following insects and mites:
a) Amorbia cuneana (Avocado leafroller),
b) Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruitfly),
c) Ceratitis rosa (Natal fruitfly),
d) Ceroplastes destructor (White wax scale),
e) Helopeltis schoutedeni (Cacaomosquito),
f) Pseudotheraptus wayi (Coconut bug),
g) Scirtothrips perseae (Avocado thrips),
h) Spodopteralittoralis(Cottonleafworm),
i) Thaumatotibia leucotreta (False codling moth),
j) Sphaceloma perseae (Avocadoscab),
k) Avocado sunblotch viroid
Export consignment must comply with Systems Approach for production and export.