The SEBI vide circular dated March 8, 2022 has revised the Operational Circular for issue and listing of Non-convertible Securities, Securitised Debt Instruments, Security Receipts, Municipal Debt Securities and Commercial Paper. An investor may submit the bid-cum-application form with a SCSB or the intermediaries mentioned above and use his/ her bank account linked UPI ID for the purpose of blocking of funds, if the application value is Rs. 5 lakh or less. The intermediary shall upload the bid on the stock exchange bidding platform. The application amount would be blocked through the UPI mechanism in this case.
AB-PMJAY Scheme: e-Shram Portal for gig worers
Recognizing the contribution of the gig and platform workers to the nation’s economy, Union Budget 2025-26 announcement has provisions for (i) registration of online platform