Nursing Institutions Face Stringent Fines For Operating On Single Campus

The Indian Nursing Council (INC) has vowed to impose stringent penalties on nursing institutions found flouting its prescribed norms and guidelines by operating multiple institutions on single campuses. This notification was issued on March 6, 2024.

INC has stated that during its surprise inspections it has observed that there are several nursing institutions functioning in the same campus. INC has emphasised that this amounts to a violation of its norms and guidelines.

The Regulation 18 of the Indian Nursing Council (Minimum pre-requisites for granting suitability to Nursing Programs) Regulations, 2020 states as follows:

Building Requirements {applicable to ANM/GNM/B.Sc. (Nursing)/P.B.B.Sc. (Nursing)/M.Sc. (Nursing) and

  • School and College of Nursing can share laboratories, if they are in same campus under same name and under same Trust, that is the institution is one but offering different nursing programs. However, they should have equipment and articles proportionate to the strength of admission. The class rooms should be available as per the requirement stipulated by the Council for each program.
  • Further, two same programs by the same institute/Trust is not allowed in the same campus.

Hence, in a meeting dated January, 2024, the INC has taken the decision to penalise erring institutions. It has decided to impose a penalty of Rs 5 lakh per institution.


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