NSE has provided a facility for reversal of excess securities provided as early pay-in on T day

The National Stock Exchange through circular dated February 12, 2021 has provided a facility for reversal of excess securities provided as early pay-in (EPI) on T day. The facility shall be applicable for settlement type Normal (N) and Trade for Trade (W). Clearing Members may note the following with regards to reversal of excess early paying:

  • Clearing Members can avail this facility through their Collateral Interface for Members (CIM) (EMI > Securities EPI > Reversal of Securities EPI)
  • The clearing members who have opted for the facility, clearing corporation shall determine excess EPI considering the client level allocation provided by clearing member and net obligation of client on T day.
  • Excess EPI if any shall be released after the cut-off time for EPI of securities on T day and reversed to clearing members in the respective depositories