NSE directs all the trading members to mandatorily update the 6 KYC attributes and additional information pertaining to custodian settled clients.

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited vide its circular dated 28th December 2021, has directed all the trading members to mandatorily update the 6 KYC attributes Name, Complete address (including PIN code No. in case of address of India), PAN, valid Mobile number, Valid email-id, Income details/range along with additional information pertaining to custodian settled client from 1st January 2022.

In case the Unique Client Code (UCC) is not updated by the trading member / not approved by the Exchange in the UCC system prior to execution of trade, the trading member shall be liable for penalty @ Rs.10, 000/- per UCC per day till the same is updated and approved in the UCC system of the Exchange and any other disciplinary action that the Exchange may deem fit.