NPPA sets price for medical oxygen and oxygen cylinders.

The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority vide its notification dated 23rd September 2020 has set price for medical oxygen and oxygen cylinders for 6 months to ensure the availability of medical oxygen.

It has decided to fix the ex-factory price of liquid medical oxygen (LMO) at manufacturers’ end at ₹15.22/CUM exclusive of GST and, it has further capped the ex-factory cost of medical oxygen cylinder at fillers’ end at ₹25.71/CUM exclusive of GST in suppression of the existing ceiling price of ₹17.49/CUM, subject to transportation cost fixation at state level.

Further, the existing rate contracts of state governments for oxygen purchase, as applicable, shall continue, in consumer interest and the ex-factory price cap of LMO and oxygen gas cylinders will be applicable to domestic production.

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