NPPA has fixed retail prices of 36 formulations under Drugs (Price Control) Order 2013.

The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority on 15th September 2022, has fixed the retail price of 36 formulations under the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013, based on the decision of the 101st Authority meeting.

The formulation includes Dapagliflozin & Metformin Hydrochloride Extended Release Tablets, Sodium Alginate, Sodium Bicarbonate & Calcium Carbonate Oral Suspension, Cilnidipine & Metoprolol Succinate (ER) Tablets, Paracetamol Infusion IP (1%w/v), Telmisartan & Metoprolol Succinate (ER) Tablets etc. The manufacturer may add goods and services tax only if they have paid actually or it is payable to the Government on the retail price and shall issue a price list in Form–V from date of Notification as per paragraph 24 of the DPCO, 2013 to NPPA through IPDMS and submit a copy to State Drug Controller and dealers.

As per para 24(4) of DPCO 2013, every retailer and dealer shall display price list and the supplementary price list, if any, as furnished by the manufacturer, on a conspicuous part of the premises where he carries on business in a manner so as to be easily accessible to any person wishing to consult the same.

In case the retail price of any of the aforesaid formulations is not complied with, as per instant price notification and notes specified hereinabove, then the concerned manufacturer/marketing company shall be liable to deposit the overcharged amount along with the interest thereon under the provisions of the DPCO, 2013 read with the Essential Commodities Act, 1955.


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