The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority on 3rd August 2021 has directed the importers/manufacturers of knee implants for knee replacement system to furnish data relating to orthopaedic knee implants in the prescribed format which is attached with the notification.
The requisite data on Orthopaedic Knee Implants for Orthopaedic Knee Replacement System in the prescribed format shall be emailed to within 12th August 2021.
The details have to be submitted on all 18 categories of orthopaedic knee implant products made of different materials along with the name of the company, whether importer or manufacturer, address and contact details, signature, name of the authorized signatory, e-mail id and contact number etc.
The manufacturers and importers also have to specify whether it is imported or domestically manufactured among other details like the price to distributor (PTD) or the price to stockist (PTS) on June 30, 2021, maximum retail price (MRP) on June 30, 2021, quantity sold and moving annual turnover (MAT) for the period from July 2020 and June 2021 and from July 2019 to June 2020.