NMC Opens Online Applications for Eligibility Certificate for FMGE Screening Test

The National Medical Commission (NMC) has announced the commencement of online applications for the Eligibility Certificate, a mandatory requirement for candidates appearing in the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE) Screening Test. The FMGE is tentatively scheduled for July 2025 by the National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences. This public notice was issued on March 6, 2025.

Candidates who have obtained their medical degrees from foreign institutions must possess an Eligibility Certificate issued by the NMC to be eligible to apply for the FMGE Screening Test.

Application Schedule

The online application portal will be open according to the following schedule:

  • Online Submission Begins: March 10, 2025, at 9:30 AM
  • Application Deadline: April 9, 2025, until 6:00 PM

Candidates can apply through the NMC’s website.

The NMC has emphasized that this is the final opportunity for candidates to apply for the Eligibility Certificate. No further applications will be accepted after the deadline. Candidates are urged to carefully review and verify all information before submitting their applications.

Candidates can inquire about the status of their Eligibility Certificate applications by emailing:

  1. eligibility.regn@nmc.org.in
  2. eligibility@nmc.org.in

However, all inquiries must include the File Tracking Number generated during the initial application submission. Inquiries without the File Tracking Number will not receive a response.


An advisory document has been attached to the notice for the guidance of applicants. Candidates who have already submitted applications for the Eligibility Certificate in the past are not required to reapply.

Candidates are advised to adhere to the specified schedule and ensure that their applications are complete and accurate to avoid any last-minute complications.