NMC notifies guidelines for Implementation of NIC Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS) in all medical colleges.

The National Medical Commission on 12th August 2022, has notified guidelines and user manual for the Implementation of NIC Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS), Hospital Management System (HMS) in all medical colleges and Connecting CCTV feed to Command and Controls Center at NMC.

The NMC Dashboard will provide a consolidated picture of all Medical Colleges. Medical Colleges may be using different HMIS applications. The objective of NMC Dashboard is to provide a seamless and unified view of OPD and IPD transactions happening in medical colleges. Patient Level data will be sent from each HMIS application for OPD and IPD initially. Data for other modules like Lab, OT, etc. will be added later on.

NMC is setting up portal at https://central.nmcindia.ac.in for monitoring of attendance. College may start onboarding on this portal after launch of the portal. Only Standardisation Testing and Quality Certification (STQC) certified biometric authentication devices may be used for marking attendance in AEBAS system. Medical Colleges may arrange for procurement, installation and configuration of STQC-certified devices directly from market by following due process of procurement. While procuring devices from any vendor Medical Colleges may procure with detailed terms and conditions to ensure smooth after sale support for at least 3 year warranty period.