NMC notifies Draft National Medical Commission Registered Medical Practitioner (Professional Conduct) Regulations, 2022.

The National Medical Commission on 23rd May 2022, has notified the Draft National Medical Commission Registered Medical Practitioner (Professional Conduct) Regulations, 2022 and has invited comments from the public, which shall be addressed to the email at emrb.ethics@nmc.org.in within one month i.e by 22nd June 2022.

Key Highlights from the draft regulation.

  • As per the draft regulation, the registered medical practitioner (RMP) should attend continuing professional development programs regularly each year, totaling at least 30 credit hours every five years. Only recognized medical colleges and health institutions or medical societies accredited or authorized by EMRB/State medical Councils can offer training and credit hours for this purpose.
  • The Consultation fees charged by the RMP should be made known to the patient before examination or treatment of the patient. A reasonable estimation of the cost of surgery or treatment should be provided to the patient to enable an informed decision. A RMP can refuse to continue to treat a patient if the fees, as indicated, are not paid. This does not apply to doctors in Government service or emergencies and the doctor must ensure that the patient is not abandoned.
  • A RMP shall not solicit patients directly or indirectly or as a part of the group of RMPs, or institutions or organizations or hospitals or nursing homes, or corporate hospitals established, owned, controlled, or maintained by the appropriate Government, local authority, trust, whether private or public, corporation, co-operative society, organization or any other entity or person.
  • Every RMP is expected to prescribe drugs using generic names written legibly and prescribe drugs rationally, avoiding unnecessary medications and  irrational fixed-dose combination tablets.
  • Every self-employed RMP shall maintain medical records of patients (outpatients or inpatients) for 3 years from the date of the last contact with the patient for treatment, in a standard proforma laid down by the NMC.
  • A RMP shall not run an open shop to sell medicine prescribed by RMPs other than himself or for the sale of medical or surgical appliances. They are allowed to sell medication to his/her own patients.
  • All signatures in the notes, prescriptions, certificates, orders, referral summaries etc, should carry the RMP’s Name and NMC Registration number. Electronic generation of orders/prescriptions may help automation of this information.