New Regulations to Ensure Power Grid Stability

The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has issued new regulations aimed at ensuring the reliability and stability of the Indian power grid. These regulations titled ‘Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and Related Matters) Regulations, 2024’ were issued on August 5, 2024. However, these regulations shall come into force on such date as may be notified by the Commission separately.

The regulations introduce a mechanism to penalize entities that deviate from their scheduled electricity drawal or injection.

The primary goal of these regulations is to discourage deviations from the power schedule, which can lead to grid instability. To achieve this, a commercial mechanism will be implemented to penalize such deviations.

All grid-connected entities, including power generators, distributors, and traders, will be subject to these new rules. The specific details of the mechanism for calculating charged for deviations are outlined in these regulations.

The CERC believes that these regulations will significantly enhance the grid’s resilience and ensure uninterrupted power supply to consumers across the country.