New Regulation To Control Pollution in Streams and Wells

The Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board issued a notification on August 1st 2024, introducing a significant update to its environmental regulations, targeting pollution control in the region. This new notification is a crucial step towards preserving the health of water bodies, particularly in the catchment areas and tributaries of the Rymphum.

Key Update:

The MSPCB has enacted a stringent prohibition regarding the disposal of polluting matter into streams and wells. The regulation focuses on two main areas:

  1. Ban on Polluting Matter Disposal:
    • Direct and Indirect Disposal: The new rule strictly forbids the disposal of any poisonous, noxious, or polluting substances into streams or wells. This prohibition covers both direct disposal and any indirect methods that might lead to contamination.
    • Standards Compliance: The definition of what constitutes polluting matter is based on standards set by the State Board. These standards are designed to ensure that only substances deemed safe are allowed to enter these water bodies.
  2. Prevention of Flow Impediment:
    • Maintaining Water Flow: The regulation also addresses the issue of obstructing the natural flow of water in streams. Any matter that could potentially hinder the flow, either alone or in combination with similar materials, is prohibited. This is important because such obstructions can exacerbate existing pollution problems and lead to severe environmental consequences.

The Penalties for Non-Compliance

The new regulation comes with serious repercussions for those who fail to adhere to its provisions:

  • Imprisonment: Offenders will face imprisonment for a minimum term of 1 year and 6 months. However, the imprisonment could extend up to 6 years depending on the severity of the offense.
  • Fines: In addition to imprisonment, violators will also be liable to pay fines. The exact amount of the fine is not specified in the notification but will be determined based on the nature and extent of the violation.

Importance Of The Regulation:

The impact of this regulation extends beyond just legal compliance:

  • Environmental Protection: By preventing the disposal of harmful substances into streams and wells, the MSPCB is taking a proactive approach to protect local water resources. Clean water is essential not only for drinking but also for sustaining local ecosystems.
  • Public Health: Reducing pollution in water sources helps in mitigating health risks associated with contaminated water, such as waterborne diseases.
  • Sustainable Development: Proper management of water resources aligns with sustainable development goals, ensuring that future generations can also benefit from these vital resources.

For residents and businesses in Meghalaya, here are some steps to ensure compliance with the new regulations:

  1. Educate Yourself: Understand what qualifies as polluting matter according to the standards set by the MSPCB.
  2. Proper Waste Management: Ensure that all waste is disposed of properly and does not end up in streams, wells, or other water bodies.
  3. Report Violations: If you notice illegal disposal practices, report them to the local authorities or the MSPCB.

The MSPCB’s latest regulation is a crucial development in the fight against water pollution in Meghalaya. By imposing strict controls on the disposal of harmful substances and establishing severe penalties for non-compliance, the board is reinforcing its commitment to environmental stewardship and public health.