New Plant Quarantine Stations Established at Key Border Points in Northeast India

The Central Government has announced the establishment of nine new Plant Quarantine Stations (PQ Stations) at strategic border points in Northeast India. This announcement was made through the notification of Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) (Seventh Amendment) Order, 2024. This notification was issued on June 5, 2024.

This amendment order amends the Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) Order, 2003.

What’s a Plant Quarantine Station?

These stations play a vital role in protecting Indian agriculture and plant species from invasive pests and diseases carried by imported plants and plant products.

The New Stations

The amendment order has established the following Land Frontier Stations to govern the points of entry for import of plants/ plant materials and other articles:

  • Meghalaya:
    • Dalu,
    • Dawki and
    • Ghasuapara,
  • Tripura
    • Mahurighat,
    • Sabroom and
    • Srimantapur
  • West Bengal
    • Fulbari and
    • Hili
  • Assam
    • Sutarkandi

All of these stations will function under the jurisdiction of the Regional Plant Quarantine Station, Kolkata.

These stations will strengthen biosecurity measures at land border crossings in the Northeast region. This will be achieved by:

  • Inspecting imported plant materials for potential pests and diseases.
  • Enforcing quarantine regulations to prevent the entry of harmful organisms.
  • Protecting India’s diverse plant life and agricultural production.