New National Action Program to Combat Desertification

On July 29th, 2024, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) announced the National Action Program to Combat Desertification. This ambitious plan aims to tackle land degradation and desertification through a range of sustainable strategies, with a focus on enhancing forest cover and implementing effective eco-restoration initiatives.

Key Objectives of the National Action Program

  1. Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Strategies: The program emphasizes sharing experiences and best practices related to SLM. It aims to create an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tons of CO2 equivalent by 2030 through increased forest and tree cover.
  2. Remedial and Preventive Models: The plan outlines various models for addressing land degradation and desertification. These models are categorized into remedial and preventive strategies, providing a comprehensive approach to combat these issues.
  3. New Initiatives for Land Degradation: The program details new initiatives designed to address land degradation effectively. These initiatives focus on innovative and sustainable methods to restore degraded lands.

Converging Afforestation Schemes

The National Action Program highlights the importance of a synergistic and efficient approach to eco-restoration. Key points include:

  1. Convergence of Afforestation Schemes: The plan calls for the convergence of all existing afforestation schemes in India. This integrated approach aims to enhance the focus on sustainable forest and natural resource management in specific landscapes.
  2. Planning and Implementation: Effective planning and a wide selection of vulnerable and potentially vulnerable sites are essential. The program focuses on selecting sites that can support progressive and sustainable eco-restoration interventions.
  3. Eco-Restoration Initiatives: The plan underscores the need for targeted eco-restoration initiatives to address land degradation. By converging afforestation efforts, the program aims to provide a significant impetus to these initiatives, ensuring their success and sustainability.

The National Action Program to Combat Desertification represents a critical step towards sustainable land management in India.