New Impact on Intra-State Supplies of Agricultural Products

On August 27, 2024, the Government of Tamil Nadu made a notable amendment to its earlier notification regarding the exemptions on intra-state supplies of goods. This update, which revises the notification No. II(2)/CTR/532(d-5)/2017 dated June 29, 2017, introduces important changes relevant to suppliers of agricultural produce.

Overview of the Amendment

The recent amendment specifically addresses the scope of what constitutes pre-packaged and labelled goods under the existing regulations. The core of the update is the addition of a new proviso to the Explanation clause (ii) in the notification.

  1. New Proviso Introduction:
    • The amendment adds a proviso stating that, despite the provisions of the Legal Metrology Act, 2009, and its rules (as amended over time), the supply of agricultural farm produce packaged in quantities exceeding 25 kilograms or 25 liters will not fall under the category of “pre-packaged and labeled.”

Implications of the Amendment

The key impact of this amendment lies in the classification and regulatory treatment of agricultural produce based on its packaging size. Here’s what it means in practice:

  1. Regulatory Relief for Larger Quantities:
    • Previous Requirement: Under the Legal Metrology Act, “pre-packaged and labeled” goods were subject to specific packaging and labeling requirements. This often included detailed labeling instructions, ensuring the consumer had all the necessary information about the product.
    • New Proviso: With the new proviso, agricultural produce packaged in quantities greater than 25 kilograms or 25 liters is exempt from these detailed labeling requirements. This regulatory relief simplifies the compliance process for suppliers dealing with larger quantities of produce.
  2. Focus on Agricultural Produce:
    • This amendment specifically targets agricultural products, acknowledging the unique nature of these goods. The exemption allows for more streamlined handling and supply processes without the stringent requirements applied to smaller, pre-packaged consumer goods.
  3. Implications for Suppliers:
    • Reduced Compliance Burden: Suppliers of agricultural produce in larger packages will benefit from reduced regulatory requirements. This can lead to cost savings and operational efficiencies.
    • Clarity and Consistency: The amendment provides clarity on what constitutes “pre-packaged and labeled,” reducing ambiguity for suppliers and ensuring consistent application of the rules.
  4. Potential Impact on Consumers:
    • While the amendment simplifies compliance for suppliers, consumers will still receive the necessary information about products in smaller, pre-packaged formats. The focus remains on ensuring that large quantities of agricultural produce are handled in a way that supports efficient supply chains.
  5. Effective Date:
    • This change is retroactively effective from July 15, 2024. This means that the revised rules apply from this date onwards, even though the notification was issued on August 27, 2024.


The recent amendment by the Tamil Nadu Government represents a significant update to the regulatory framework governing intra-state supplies of goods. By excluding larger quantities of agricultural produce from the “pre-packaged and labeled” category, the government aims to streamline compliance and support the agricultural sector’s efficiency.