New HRA Rules in Rajasthan

The Finance Department of Rajasthan on September 12th 2024 issued a notification regarding the amendment in House Rent Allowance Rules 1989. The Government of Rajasthan has introduced new amendments aimed at clarifying the entitlements and regulations surrounding HRA during various leave scenarios and temporary transfers.

New Updates Include The Following:

1. HRA During Leave

One of the major updates involves the rules for drawing HRA during different types of leave.

General Leave Entitlement: Government servants will continue to receive HRA at the same rate during their leave as they did before taking the leave. This is a continuation of the existing practice but now comes with clarified conditions.

  • Types of Leave Covered:
    • The term ‘Leave’ now includes all types of leave, such as earned leave, casual leave, and privilege leave, but excludes extraordinary leave, study leave, and terminal leave.
    • The new amendment specifies that government employees are entitled to HRA for up to 120 days of leave. However, if the leave exceeds this period and includes maternity leave, the limit extends to 180 days.
    • For employees taking leave due to illness (T.B., Cancer, Leprosy, or a mental disease), supported by a medical certificate, the HRA entitlement extends up to 240 days. This provision is particularly important for those facing serious health issues.
  • Combined Leave and Holidays: If vacation or holidays are taken in conjunction with leave, they will be counted as part of the leave period. This means that the total period, including both leave and holidays, will be considered as a single leave spell for HRA purposes.

2. HRA During Temporary Transfers

The amendment also provides detailed guidelines regarding HRA during temporary transfers:

  • Definition of Temporary Transfer: A temporary transfer refers to a duty assignment at another station for a period not exceeding four months. This definition also includes deputations.
  • HRA Entitlements: Employees on temporary transfer will continue to receive their HRA at the same rate as before. If the temporary transfer is extended beyond the initial four months, the total HRA amount remains unaffected up to the date of the extension order. This ensures that employees are not financially disadvantaged by such extensions.

3. Special Conditions for Extended Leave

For employees who take leave beyond the stipulated periods of 120 days (or 180 days for maternity leave) on grounds other than medical, the drawal of HRA will be subject to the submission of a certificate as prescribed in Annexure-B. This requirement is intended to ensure that HRA is only granted under justified circumstances.

Why Are These Changes Important

The recent amendments to the HRA Rules provide greater clarity and fairness in the management of house rent allowances. They address various scenarios that government employees might encounter, ensuring that their housing needs are adequately supported during times of leave or temporary duty assignments. These changes aim to:

  • Standardize Entitlements: By clearly defining the conditions under which HRA can be drawn, the amendments help standardize entitlements and reduce ambiguity.
  • Support Employees in Adversity: The extended HRA provisions for those on medical leave or dealing with serious health conditions demonstrate a commitment to supporting employees facing significant challenges.
  • Ensure Financial Stability: For employees on temporary transfers, the assurance of continued HRA support helps maintain financial stability, regardless of the duration of their assignment.

Effective Date: September 12th 2024.