New Haryana Electronics Waste Recycling Policy, 2024

The Government of Haryana introduced the Draft Haryana Electronics Waste Recycling Policy, 2024. This policy aims to create an environmentally conscious ecosystem for electronic waste recycling, positioning Haryana as a frontrunner in the field.

Aiming for an Environmentally Conscious Ecosystem

At the heart of this policy is the goal to foster an environmentally responsible electronics waste recycling system. As the usage of electronic devices continues to soar, so does the volume of electronic waste (e-waste). This policy is a timely response to the pressing need for efficient recycling and management of e-waste to mitigate its adverse environmental and health impacts.

Key Focus Areas of the Policy

1. Growth of IT Asset Disposal (ITAD) Services

The past decade has seen a significant surge in investments in IT infrastructure. However, these IT assets eventually reach the end of their useful life, raising concerns about their disposal. The policy recognizes the necessity for efficient recycling and recovery methods for these assets, ensuring they are managed in an environmentally friendly manner.

2. Managing Household Appliances E-Waste

Household appliances are a major contributor to e-waste. With their increased penetration and accumulation, there is a pressing need for effective policies to handle the resulting volume of e-waste. The new policy addresses this by setting guidelines for the management and recycling of household appliance waste.

3. Raising Environmental and Health Hazard Awareness

The policy underscores the growing environmental and health hazards posed by e-waste accumulation. By advocating for the proper disposal, recycling, and reuse of e-waste, the policy aims to reduce these risks and promote a healthier environment.

Policy Validity and Scope

The Draft Haryana Electronics Waste Recycling Policy, 2024, will be valid for five years from the date of its notification or until a new policy or amendment is introduced, whichever comes first. This provides a clear timeframe for the implementation and evaluation of the policy’s impact.

Eligibility and Incentives for Recycling Units

  • New Units: The policy offers incentives to new electronics waste recycling units that commence commercial operations after the policy’s notification. This is aimed at encouraging the establishment of new facilities equipped with modern recycling technologies.
  • Existing Units: Existing recycling units looking to expand or diversify can also benefit. To qualify, these units must be located in specified blocks or approved industrial areas and must invest at least 50% of their Fixed Capital Investment (FCI) in the expansion. Importantly, these units must not have applied for similar incentives under the Haryana Enterprises Promotion Policy (HEEP) 2020 or any other state policy.

Cumulative Incentives Cap

The cumulative incentives available under this policy are capped at 100% of the FCI. This ensures a balanced and equitable distribution of benefits, encouraging responsible investment in recycling infrastructure.

Mandatory Compliance

All eligible units must comply with the regulations set forth by the Central and State Pollution Control Boards. This stipulation ensures that recycling processes adhere to stringent environmental standards, furthering the policy’s aim of sustainable e-waste management.