New DERC(Supply Code and Performance Standards) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations 2024

The Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) on July 16, 2024, issued the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (Supply Code and Performance Standards) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations, 2024 to further amend the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (Supply Code and Performance Standards) Regulations, 2017.

The key amendments are as follows:

  1. Amendment of Regulation 2: Regulation 2(7): The definition of APPLICATION has been updated to refer to a complete application in the required format, including all necessary documents and payments, received by 1500 hrs.
  2. Addition after Regulation 2(42): Regulation 2(42a): Defines METROPOLITAN as an area with a population of 10 lakh (1 million) or more, comprising one or more districts with multiple municipalities or panchayats, specified by public notification from the Lt. Governor. Regulation 2(51): Defines “Urban areas” as all areas other than rural and Metropolitan Areas.
  3. Amendment of Regulation 11: Regulation 11(4)(i): Specifies the maximum time periods for providing or modifying connections in electrified areas:

Without road cutting permission or right of way:

Metropolitan areas: Within 3 days.

Urban areas: Within 7 days.

Rural areas: Within 15 days.

With road cutting permission or right of way:

 An additional 7 days to the respective time periods above.

These amendments aim to streamline and expedite the process of providing or modifying electricity connections, with specific timelines based on the area type and whether additional permissions are required.

These regulations come into effect from July 16th 2024.