New Compliance with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013

On September 3, 2024, the Office of Additional Deputy Commissioner-cum-District Officer, Gurugram, issued a crucial notification regarding the implementation of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013, commonly known as the PoSH Act. This notification underscores the importance of forming an internal committee as mandated by the Act and emphasizes the need for compliance from all offices.

Understanding the PoSH Act, 2013

The PoSH Act, enacted in 2013, aims to provide a safe and secure working environment for women by preventing, prohibiting, and redressing instances of sexual harassment at the workplace. Under the Act, organizations are required to establish an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) to address complaints of sexual harassment and ensure that their workplaces are free from such incidents.

Key Requirements of the PoSH Act

  1. Formation of Internal Committee: Every organization with more than 10 employees must establish an Internal Complaints Committee. The ICC should be composed of:
    • A Presiding Officer who is a senior woman employee.
    • At least two other members from among the employees.
    • One external member from an NGO or a legal expert with experience in dealing with issues of sexual harassment.
  2. Compliance and Reporting: Organizations must ensure that the ICC is operational and that the details of its formation and functioning are documented and reported as required. This includes maintaining records of complaints, actions taken, and regular training programs for employees.

Steps to Ensure Compliance

1. Review Internal Practices

Before submitting your compliance details, review your organization’s existing practices related to the PoSH Act. Confirm that:

  • The Internal Complaints Committee has been formed as per the Act’s guidelines.
  • The committee members have been appointed and their roles and responsibilities are well-defined.
  • There is a clear policy document outlining the procedures for handling complaints of sexual harassment.

2. Gather Required Information

Compile the following information to be submitted:

  • Internal Committee Details: Names, designations, and contact information of the committee members.
  • Policy Document: A copy of the sexual harassment policy adopted by your office.
  • Training and Awareness Programs: Information about any training sessions or awareness campaigns conducted to educate employees about their rights and the procedures for filing complaints.
  • Complaints Handling Procedures: Details on how complaints are received, processed, and resolved, including records of any complaints made and actions taken.

3. Prepare the Submission

Ensure that you use the format provided in the notification. If a specific format or table was mentioned, complete it accurately. If the format is unclear, contact the Office of Additional Deputy Commissioner-cum-District Officer for clarification.

4. Submit the Details

Submit the compiled details by the specified deadline, which is September 5, 2024. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Email Submission: Send the details via email :
  • Attachments: Ensure all documents are attached correctly and are clearly labeled. This includes the filled table, policy documents, and any other required information.

5. Follow-Up

After submission, it’s prudent to follow up to confirm receipt and address any further queries. If you anticipate any delays or issues, inform the relevant office in advance and request an extension if necessary.