New Bye-laws for Solid Waste Management in Jammu Cantonment Board

On July 23, 2024, the Ministry of Defence issued the Draft Jammu Cantonment Board Solid Waste Management Bye-laws, 2024. These new regulations aim to improve the management of solid waste in the Jammu Cantonment area.

The Key Points Include the Following:

Segregation and Primary Storage of Solid Waste

All residents and businesses are required to:

  • Separate Waste: Sort their waste into three categories:
    • Non-biodegradable or dry waste
    • Biodegradable or wet waste
    • Domestic hazardous waste
  • Store Properly: Place the segregated waste in covered bins.
  • Hand Over: Give the sorted waste to designated waste collectors as directed by the Board.

Solid Waste Collection

  • Door-to-Door Collection: The Board will implement daily door-to-door collection of segregated waste from all areas, including slums and informal settlements.
  • Integration: This system will integrate existing informal collection methods with the Board’s system to ensure efficient waste management.

Disposal of Solid Waste

  • Landfills: The Board will either on its own or through an agency, handle the construction, operation, and maintenance of sanitary landfills and related infrastructure.
  • Residual Waste: These landfills will be used for the disposal of residual waste, street sweepings, and silt from surface drains.

 User Fee and Penalty

  • User Fee: There will be a fixed fee for garbage collection, transportation, and disposal services.
  • Penalties: Those who do not comply with the bye-laws will face penalties as outlined in Schedule II of the bye-laws.

This is an opportunity for residents to voice their opinions and ensure the bye-laws meet the community’s needs

Public Consultation:

The objections or suggestions, if any, to these draft bye-laws may be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Jammu Cantonment Board until August 23, 2024