New Breathalyzer Rules Proposed to Improve Accuracy and Public Trust

The Government of India’s Department of Consumer Affairs has proposed new draft rules for Evidential Breath Analysers (EBAs) used by law enforcement and workplaces. A press release on these draft rules was issued on June 28, 2024.

Goals of the Draft Rules

Accurate and reliable EBAs will ensure intoxicated individuals are identified swiftly, leading to fewer alcohol-related accidents.

Consistent testing procedures across all devices will foster public confidence in the fairness and accuracy of enforcement actions.

Verification and stamping of EBAs guarantee their accuracy, preventing wrongful penalties due to faulty equipment.

The non-invasive nature and rapid analysis of EBAs empower law enforcement to make swift decisions during roadside checks.

The availability of verified EBAs can raise awareness about the effects of alcohol impairment and legal limits for safe operation of vehicles and machinery.

Key Points of the Draft Rules

The draft defines EBAs as instruments measuring breath alcohol concentration within specified error limits.

They mandate various tests to ensure instrument accuracy. Yearly verification ensures sustained accuracy.

Additionally, EBAs must display only final results, include a printer with paper requirement, and provide additional information with readings.

Results must be reportable in various formats, including blood alcohol concentration in blood.

Public Participation

The draft rules are available for public comment until July 26, 2024.