On January 17, 2025, the Government of Madhya Pradesh introduced the Madhya Pradesh Khule Nalkup Mein Insanno Ke Girne Se Hone Wali Durghatnao Ki Rokthaam Evam Suraksha Niyam 2024 to tackle the growing issue of accidents caused by open borewells and tubewells across the state.
The new set of rules aims to ensure greater safety and prevent fatalities by addressing the hazardous conditions associated with these water sources.
Key Highlights of the New Rules:
Purpose and Coverage
The new rules, officially named the Madhya Pradesh Open Water Supply and Prevention Rules, 2024, apply statewide, with immediate effect as of January 17, 2025. They are designed to regulate the safety measures surrounding open borewells and tubewells that pose a serious risk to public safety.
Drilling Agency’s Role
Drilling agencies will play a central role in ensuring safety during the installation of borewells/tubewells. Before drilling, agencies must enter details in a government portal to generate a permit. Post-drilling, they are required to upload geo-tagged photos documenting safety measures, drilling details, and any completed or sealed borewells. Agencies must also implement safety protocols such as erecting signboards, installing barriers, and restoring the site once drilling is finished.
Landowner Responsibility
Landowners are held accountable for old, non-functional, or unfinished borewells. They are required to fill in unsuccessful borewells with materials such as clay, sand, or boulders and restore the site to its original condition. Additionally, they must cap the casing pipes with strong covers to prevent accidents.
Reporting and Complaints Process
The public is encouraged to report any unsafe open borewells or tubewells via a government portal. Complaints can also be filed directly with local authorities. Upon receiving a report, authorities are mandated to inspect the site and, if necessary, order the immediate capping or sealing of the dangerous water source. In cases where the complaint is verified, the complainant may receive a reward.
Appeals Process
Individuals dissatisfied with decisions made by the competent authority have the right to appeal within 30 days. The appeal should be directed to the relevant higher authority for further review.
The Push for Public Safety
The introduction of these rules comes in response to the alarming number of incidents involving people falling into open borewells and tubewells, leading to tragic accidents. The government’s new initiative emphasizes preventive measures and seeks to hold both landowners and drilling agencies accountable for ensuring that all borewells and tubewells are properly sealed when no longer in use.
These rules are expected to significantly reduce the risk of accidents related to open borewells and tubewells, making public spaces safer for everyone.